Today, LIPA’s Preservation Week 2019 series continues with information about Preserving America’s Legal Materials in Print (PALMPrint)!
Is your library running out of space to house print materials? Is your library materials budget not keeping up with inflation? Are you facing difficult weeding decisions? Join the 61 libraries that have already become members of PALMPrint!
PALMPrint is a collaborative project developed by the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA) and the NELLCO Law Library Consortium (NELLCO). This innovative print repository is devoted to a legacy collection of U.S. federal and state primary legal materials. More information about PALMPrint is available on the LIPA Website.
What Makes PALMPrint Unique?
It is a shared collection, jointly owned by the two sponsoring organizations and the participating libraries.
It is focused on a single discipline, which is not unique but is unusual. PALMPrint is and always will be about print legal materials.
It has a foundational collection development plan that can and will be expanded over time as collection goals are reached. PALMPrint is a collection, not merely a storage facility.
The collection is centralized in a remote storage facility that does not belong to any of the participating institutions.
Subscribing libraries do not have to commit to retain any titles in their own collections, because PALMPrint is there when they need it.
The collection holds a single copy of each title selected, so there is no need for complex formulas to determine the appropriate number of copies to retain for specific categories of material.
The project’s goals are both preservation and access. While not a dark archive, this legacy print collection is widely replicated in digital form, so we expect low use and minimal physical impact to the materials.
PALMPrint is a highly collaborative model, driven by two library consortia and many of their member libraries.
The PALMPrint collection is held at the William B. Meyer high density library storage facility in Windsor, CT. Subscribing libraries have access to online searching and ordering through the PALMPrint interface. For searching and ordering tips, consult the PALMPrint Instructions document or view the recording of the PALMPrint Interface Launch webinar.
For more information, please feel free to contact LIPA Executive Director Michelle Trumbo or NELLCO Executive Director Corie Dugas.