Law Review Preservation Program
In our community, you can promote preservation in so many ways. Here is one suggestion: Support LIPA’s Law Review Preservation Program. Get your bepress digital law reviews archived and preserved! It is free and simple to join.
With funding and support from LIPA, law reviews published on bepress’s Digital Commons platform can be automatically archived in CLOCKSS, an international dark archive for long-term preservation. The Law Review Preservation Program is the first comprehensive long-term archiving solution for law reviews published online. The program started in 2010 and is still growing. Starting with the American University’s Washington College of Law, archiving the American University International Law Review, The Modern American, and Sustainable Development Law and Policy, and Boston College of Law, archiving the Boston College Law Review, the Law Review Preservation Program continues to add participants. Currently, over 40 law journals use the Law Review Preservation Programs to archive their scholarship.
It is easy to join! Just contact bepress* and tell them:
Name(s) of the journal or journals you would like to include,
Publisher name and address for each journal. This is usually the institution, but sometimes a specific group or organization,
The name and title of the person who will sign each journal’s agreement form, and
The name and title of each journal’s primary contact. This is usually the same as the person signing, but it may be that there is a different person who should be the main point of contact for the journal.
Bepress prepares agreements for each journal and, once signed, the journals are archived in CLOCKSS. CLOCKSS is a not-for-profit joint venture started by libraries and publishers committed to ensuring long-term access to scholarly publications in digital format. Content in CLOCKSS is preserved with LOCKSStechnology. In the event that a law review is no longer available from any university or publisher, it will be triggered from CLOCKSS under an open-access Creative Commons license, guaranteeing that law review articles will remain in the public domain forever. The CLOCKSS archive is distributed across twelve geographically and geopolitically diverse archive nodes, located at major libraries across North America, Europe, and Asia, and is governed by the community of participating libraries and publishers.
*current contact is Michael Cobb, Berkeley Electronic Press, 510-665-1200, ext. 146;