Launched in May 2017, LawArXiv is a free, open access, nonprofit, pre- and post-print repository for legal scholarship. It is the only non-commercial repository for legal scholarship. In 2018, LawArXiv won AALL’s Innovations in Technology Award. Last month – fewer than two years after its start – LawArXiv passed the 1,000th paper milestone!
LawArXiv was developed and continues to be led by a collaboration of the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA), the Mid-America Law Libraries Consortium (MALLCO), NELLCO Library Consortium Inc., and the Cornell Law Library, which also provides administrative support.
Have a piece you’d like to publish online? Uploading scholarship to the repository is fast and easy. For help, email lawarxiv@cornell.edu or consult the Quick Submission Guide. Follow LawArXiv @lawarxiv and @lawarxivpapers on Twitter to keep up on news and to read recently added papers.