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Day Five: Every Week is Preservation Week
As this year’s Preservation Week comes to a close, here are a few resources to keep your library’s preservation projects moving forward....
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Day Four: Legal Information Archive
The Legal Information Archive (LIA) is a digital archive established to preserve and ensure permanent access to vital legal information...
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Day Three: PALMPrint
Today, LIPA’s Preservation Week 2019 series continues with information about Preserving America’s Legal Materials in Print (PALMPrint)!...
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Day Two: LawArXiv
Launched in May 2017, LawArXiv is a free, open access, nonprofit, pre- and post-print repository for legal scholarship. It is the only...
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Day One: Law Review Preservation
We are kicking off Preservation Week 2019 with information about preserving law review content! In our community, you can promote...
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April Preservation Tip
ALCTS Preservation Week 2019 is April 21-April 27! Even if your position doesn’t involve preservation duties, this year’s webinars on...
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Preservation Week discussion
The Legal Information Preservation Alliance invites you to join us on Monday, April 23, as we launch Preservation Week 2018 with a 2-day...
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Preservation Week
Preservation Week has begun! This is a week in which we highlight the importance of preserving literary and cultural collections in our...
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Preservation Week at American University
American University Law Library is celebrating Preservation Week by promoting their Digital Commons and encouraging students & faculty to...
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University of Oregon celebrates Preservation Week
The University of Oregon Law Library is celebrating National Preservation Week with a new exhibit, “Partners in Preservation: Caring for...
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Celebrate Preservation Week!
Are you celebrating Preservation Week (April 21-27, 2013) in your library?  If so, please consider sharing your plans and preservation...
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New tools to help libraries celebrate Preservation Week 2013
LIPA members – Please see the post below and make plans to celebrate Preservation Week in your library.  Promote the ALA webinars, make...
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