Last year LIPA highlighted a number of preservation webinars to help celebrate and facilitate preservation within your communities. At the most recent LIPA Board meeting, we took time to discuss our intention to host a one-day virtual event during 2022 Preservation Week (April 24 - 30). Although ALA has yet to announce its 2022 theme, we considered a number of topics to discuss during our virtual event including trends in law libraries’ preservation goals and the awareness that libraries and the individuals working within them perform best when everyone works together, regardless of job function.
Collaboration is essential to one of the projects I am working on now: to collect the James E. Rogers College of Law born-digital media files and bring them under the Cracchiolo Law Library umbrella for both preservation and access. This project includes working with the Roger’s College Information Technology Department with support from both my immediate supervisor and my library director.
When born-digital media was first produced at the Rogers College, it was captured and managed by the college’s IT Department using the video platform Mediasite. Then a need for migration came and material was transferred to Panopto. Following the transfer, born-digital media has lived in Panopto since. Today, the majority of the born-digital media produced by the college is being captured via Zoom and uploaded to YouTube. With an access assist from IT, I have collected the digital material that is living on Panopto and now the YouTube material awaits.
To actively preserve the digital media discussed above and provide access to it, my law library is strongly considering joining the Legal Information Archive. At its core, this consortium of like minded law libraries is interested in preserving “print and electronic legal material.” However, given the continuously evolving application that is Preservica, consortium members are also actively preserving and providing access to “institutional content, born-digital material, and much more.”
There are currently two LIA subscription options for the year 2022. An institutional level subscription includes full involvement in LIA, including a designated collection for your library and participation in the project’s steering meetings, with a $1,500 annual fee. The collection level subscription includes up to 1 GB of content per collection (additional data or discrete collections can be purchased) which is ingested by LIPA and housed in LIPA’s general collection at a one-time price of $2,000. For additional information or to request a demo, contact Michelle Trumbo at