In 2015 LIPA’s digital preservation registry was first published on the web. Updates have arrived! A newly launched Digital Projects Registry is now live. The registry is a compilation of digital collections created by LIPA member institutions containing a wide variety of legal materials ranging from personal papers to civil codes.
The updated Registry now allows for easier navigation to the various collections in the Registry and includes an image related to the collections. The use of Google Forms has also allowed for a cleaner Project Input Form. Though not all fields are required, there is an opportunity to provide logistical and technological details that can better serve other libraries who may be seeking to start their own digital projects. Form questions ask for information such as the software and digitization equipment that are used in the project or whether your digitization project was outsourced. A PDF of prior submissions remains available as well.
If you or your institution are considering a digitization project, please consider applying for a LIPA Project Grant or a Conference Grant. All LIPA member institutions and all individuals employed by a LIPA member institution are eligible to apply. Applications must be submitted by June 1, 2022 for the project grant. For further information on these grant opportunities and to apply, please view the Grant Opportunities tab of the LIPA website.
For further information on the newly updated Digital Projects Registry, please contact Michelle Trumbo at
Before you know it, you will receive the response below too!! Best of luck on your digital projects and please don't hesitate to let us know about them!!