LIPA board members Dan Cordova, Larry Reeves, Susan Nevelow-Mart, Melissa Bernstein, Margie Maes, Christine Iaconeta, and Julie Kimbrough gather for a photo after the bi-annual LIPA membership meeting at AALS in San Diego. The membership meeting, which was hosted by the San Diego County Law Library, provided a forum for discussion of LIPA strategic initiatives.
LIPA Membership Meeting
Friday, January 5, 2017, 2:30-4:00pm PST, San Diego Law Library
Introductions and welcome (Melissa Bernstein)
Chair’s report (Melissa Bernstein)
LIPA board worked to increase membership (added 9 members and lost 5 this year, net gain of $4,500 dues)
Continue to support
Sponsor of Best Practices Exchange in Boston; Dan Cordova and Margie Maes presented a program
Sponsor of NDSA in Pittsburgh
Board continued work this year on LIPA 3.0 Task Force Report; Executive Director Succession Plan and Policy approved
Education Committee has been working on webinar ideas; programs during Preservation Week
Executive Director’s report (Margie Maes)
Membership has doubled in past 10 years
We are currently maxed out at what we can offer at current funding and staffing level; need to increase revenue through additional membership or revenue streams
Mid-year financial report
LawArXiv was the conference bag sponsor for the 2017 IALL meeting in Atlanta
Mid-America Association of Libraries LawArXiv program
Majority of Margie’s time went to working with Preservica to move the Legal Information Archive from OCLC; agreement signed
Project reports:
UELMA Preservation Group; working on white paper; monthly phone calls, Dan Cordova presented at Best Practices Exchange in Boston
Upgraded interface will be launched soon
Working on gap-filling collection
Worked with the Center for Open Science on enhancements; batch uploading coming
Educational Program Planning
Education Committee
Program accepted for AALL talking about different approaches to digital preservation projects
Catherine Dunn and Leslie Street working on a webinar on how to advocate for a need within your state (e.g. authentication of state administrative code in Georgia).
Open Discussion / Q&A