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LIPA Launches Registry for Digitization Projects

On behalf of the LIPA Digital Inventory Task Group I am excited to announce and urge your participation in our Survey on Digitization Projects.  The survey is available and open to all LIPA, NELLCO, and MALLCO members.

The information gathered from this survey will allow us to build a registry of digitization projects in order to share expertise, avoid duplication of effort, and publicize and promote the work of our members.  Focused on member projects with existing ties, we hope it will enhance collaboration and identify ways to support our membership in these efforts.  Building an inventory of digitization projects will also position us to participate and coordinate with other digitization registries.

The Task Group continues to work on the best method to present and maintain the Registry information to ensure it will be sustainable and that new information can be added continuously.  Our goal is to make initial data available this summer and to continue to work on the infrastructure.

My appreciation and thanks to the Task Group members Jennifer Bryan Morgan, Connie Lenz, Jenny Lentz, Bill Sleeman, Michelle Wu and LIPA Board liaison Tory Trotta, with special recognition and kudos to Jenny Lentz for design and building of the survey instrument.

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.

Melanie Dunshee, LIPA Board Chair Assistant Dean for Library Services Goodson Law Library, Duke University School of Law 919-613-7119

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