Margie Maes, LIPA executive director, attended the 2016 Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum in Milwaukee, WI, November 7-9. In January 2016, DLF became the institutional home of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA). LIPA has been a member of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA), a consortium of organizations committed to the long-term preservation of digital information, since 2011.
Digital Preservation, the major meeting and conference of the NDSA, followed the DLF Forum on November 9-10. Margie Maes served on the Digital Preservation 2016 Program Committee and chaired the Poster ‘Minute Madness’ session on Thursday evening. LIPA was a bronze sponsor of the DLF Forum and Digital Preservation 2016.
The Digital Preservation 2016 programs addressed the technical and policy issues surrounding preservation of digital resources. The full program for Digital Preservation is available here and presentations are available on the conference repository.
Several programs of interest:
– KEEPS – A System for UELMA Preservation and Security – highlighted the process that the Minnesota Office of Revisor of Statutes uses to implement components of UELMA.
– Teaching the Masses about Research Data Management, Curation, & Preservation – Dr. Helen Tibbo discussed Project CRADLE (Curating Research Assets and Data using Lifecycle Education). She teaches a class using Coursera platform that discusses understanding research data, data management planning, and working, sharing, and archiving data. The course is free with a certificate available for a small fee.