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Are you celebrating Preservation Week (April 21-27, 2013) in your library?  If so, please consider sharing your plans and preservation success stories with the LIPA community by writing a post for the LIPA blog.  Contact me at if you can volunteer to write just one post to help LIPA celebrate Preservation Week in 2013.

Preservation Week is our opportunity to raise awareness of the role law libraries play in preserving our legal heritage.  Resources and tips for planning an event can be found on the Preservation Week website.  And don’t forget to register for the three free webinars being sponsored by the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services.  There is something for everyone during Preservation Week!


********************************* Margaret K. Maes Executive Director Legal Information Preservation Alliance P. O. Box 5266 Bloomington, IN  47407 Phone: 812-822-2773


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LIPA members – Please see the post below and make plans to celebrate Preservation Week in your library.  Promote the ALA webinars, make bookmarks, invite a speaker, create an exhibit — the possibilities are endless!

Above all, share your plans and success stories with the LIPA community by writing a post for the LIPA Blog.  Contact me at mkmaes@gmail.comif you can volunteer to write just one post to help LIPA celebrate Preservation Week in 2013.


Events celebrating the fourth annual Preservation Week (April 21-27, 2013) will be held across the country at academic, public and special libraries. Activities will include lectures, presentations, demonstrations and workshops, as well as three free Preservation Week-sponsored webinars.

There is still time to prepare a public event for sharing information about preserving collections, and an Event Toolkit that contains resources for planning and promoting Preservation Week events can be found on the Preservation Week website. Two new online tools are available now:

  1. the Event Map helps libraries promote their events and replaces the Google Maps that have been used during previous Preservation Weeks, and

  2. the Speaker Locator helps libraries find preservation professionals to give presentations and demonstrations during Preservation Week or any time.

Another new promotion tool for Preservation Week 2013 is a series of Preservation Week Quick Tip Cards titled “Save Your Stuff.” Libraries can make them in-house or support Preservation Week by purchasing them from a printer. The cards give examples of items that need special care (textiles, scrapbooks, film, audio materials and others) and provide a link to Quick Tips for caring for that item. The reverse of the card explains the importance of Preservation Week. Please look at all the great tools that are available for you and your library to use to promote Preservation Week.

New for Preservation Week 2013 will be an all new preservation advice column – Dear Donia.  What “Dear Abby” was to personal relationships, Dear Donia will be for all your preservation conundrums!  How do I store my grandfather’s letters home from the front?  What should I do to preserve my family color snapshots that are fading? How can I preserve my child’s baby quilt made by her great-grandmother?  To launch the column on Friday, April 26  at 11 am EST, Donia Conn will host a one hour live chat  to help answer your preservation questions.  In the meantime, feel free to send Donia questions via the Preservation Week’s Facebook page.

Recognizing the critical role libraries play in preservation, the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) in partnership with the Library of Congress and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, is proud to bring Preservation Week to libraries across the country. This national awareness campaign was developed to promote the understanding and importance of care for personal and community cultural heritage collections, such as books, documents, photographs, textiles, paintings, sculptures, furniture and decorative arts.

ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.

********************************* Margaret K. Maes Executive Director Legal Information Preservation Alliance P. O. Box 5266 Bloomington, IN  47407 Phone: 812-822-2773


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There are only two weeks left to apply to the National Digital Stewardship Residency (NDSR) program! The deadline is April 5th, 2013!

Interested applicants can apply to the program at

NDSR is a new field experience program developed by the Library of Congress and the Institute of Museum and Library Services for recent graduates interested in digital preservation and stewardship.

NDSR will pair residents with ten affiliated host institutions for a nine-month program that will provide them with an opportunity to develop, apply, and advance their digital stewardship knowledge and skills in real-world settings. We request your help in spreading the word about this amazing opportunity to your networks.

To learn more about the NDSR program, including how to apply, please visit our website at:

Thank you, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kristopher F. Nelson Library of Congress  |  Office of Strategic Initiatives

101 Independence Avenue, SE

Washington, DC20540

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